Sabhrina Gita Aninta

sabhrinaI am a postgraduate research student at the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London (SBCS QMUL). I have been always interested in connecting ecology and evolution to improve biodiversity conservation practices. I grew up in Indonesia and had been involved in many conservation projects during my undergraduate years and still indirectly involved in Indonesian Young Conservationists Network, Tambora Muda Indonesia.

My thesis focuses on the conservation genomics of endemic vertebrates. I am currently investigating genome-wide variation of ancient and modern populations to identify populations that were most affected by deforestation and forecast areas that are most suitable for conservation efforts. In my free time, I wrestle with my son while trying to read, code, and drink coffee.

Click below to read articles from Sabhrina on Ecology for the Masses.

Should We Conserve Hybrids?

The Why and How of Genetic Diversity